Exam Preparation for Students in Braunschweig
With confidence in the Abitur and other school exams
Whether it’s class work, promotion exams or the Abitur – the Freie Akademie Braunschweig offers students optimal support in exam preparation. Our mentorship program helps them to master the school material and pass every exam with confidence.
Individual support for better results
In individual lessons or small groups (2-4 people), you will work with experienced lecturers who will accompany the learning process and prepare exam-relevant content with you step by step. Anything you have forgotten will be repeated, gaps in your knowledge will be closed, and your strengths will be specifically promoted.
Interdisciplinary support
Many students need support in several subjects. With our flexible system, booked lessons can be divided individually into different examination subjects. This way, you are well prepared – for every challenge.
Together for exam success!
Whether you are a student or pupil – our mentorship program will help you reduce exam anxiety and start the next exam with confidence.